Stigende temperaturer ændrer humlebiers lyst til bestemte typer nektar

KLIMAFORANDRINGER: Nyt, amerikansk studie viser, at højere temperaturer ændre mængden af bakterier i blomsters nektar, som igen ændrer på humlebiers lyst til at indsamle denne nektar.

Bier lever af to ting: Nektar og Pollen.
Pollen er protein, som bierne primært bruger til at lave “madpakker” til deres æg af.
Nektar er det sukkerstof, de bruger som “flybenzin”.

Når temperaturen stiger, så formerer bakterier i nektar sig hurtigere – altså stiger indholdet af bakterier i nektaren.
Et nyt amerikansk studie viser, at det får humlebier til at “synes mindre godt” om præcis den nektar.
Det lader altså til, at humlebiers lyst til bestemte blomsters nektar hænger sammen med temperaturen:

Floral nectar, an important resource for pollinators, is inhabited by microbes such as yeasts and bacteria, which have been shown to influence pollinator preference. Dynamic and complex plant-pollinator-microbe interactions are likely to be affected by a rapidly changing climate, as each player has their own optimal growth temperatures and phenological responses to environmental triggers, such as temperature. To understand how warming due to climate change is influencing nectar microbial communities, we incubated a natural nectar microbial community at different temperatures and assessed the subsequent nectar chemistry and preference of the common eastern bumble bee, Bombus impatiens. The microbial community in floral nectar is often species-poor, and the cultured Brassica rapa nectar community was dominated by the bacterium Fructobacillus. Temperature increased the abundance of bacteria in the warmer treatment. Bumble bees preferred nectar inoculated with microbes, but only at the lower, ambient temperature. Warming therefore induced an increase in bacterial abundance which altered nectar sugars and led to significant differences in pollinator preference.


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